How was electricity invented ?

      How was electricity invented ?
    Today you cannot imagine of normal life without electricity. The  
      Majority of machines run with the help of electricity . Motor , rail 
      Engine and machines - all need electricity .

            Do you know when and how electricity was invented ? 

     The word ' electric ' has originated from the Greek word ' electron' 
     Alessandra Volta invented electricity . He was the first man to 
     Make electric cell from which electric current was obtained . Soon 
     After the invention of the electric cell, people came to know that 
     Heat, light , chemical reaction and magnetic effects could be 
     Produced from the electric current. 
    Voltaic cell consisted of a zinc rod and a copper plate immersed in 
    Dilute sulphuric acid . Joining the wires connected to these rod 
    Would produced electricity . 
    The most revolutionary work in the field of electricity was done by 
    Michael Faraday in the year 1831. He demonstrated that , if a 
    Magnet be moved to and fro through a copper coil , electricity 
    Produced in the coil. This effect is know as Electro magnetic 
    Induction . Using this phenomenon electric generator was 
    Developed . 
   The first successful dynamo or generator was made in 1867 in 
   Germany . After this electric motor & transformer also developed .
   By the end of the nineteenth century , production of electricity had 
   Already started in some parts of the world . In 1858 , electricity was 
  Produced in America by running turbine with the help of falling 
  Water . Subsequently , hydroelectric and thermal power station 
  Came into existence. 
  After the development of nuclear energy , solar energy converted 
  into electricity. Presently , scientist are engaged in developing new 
  techniques for conversion of Green energy , wireless wearable , 
  Ion Thruster energy into electricity in order to solve energy 
  Crisis in the world .




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