Why are vitamins essential for us ?

As Carbohydrates, Proteins, fats, water, and salts form an essential part of our food, vitamins also belong to same category.Lack of vitamins can cause many disease . Some Complication like loss in digestive power, weakening of eye- sight , general weakness, tiredness,dryness of skin , inflammation of gums, weakening of Bones etc. appear in body due to deficiency of vitamins. 

What are the vitamins ?

The word vitamin was coined by Casimir funk in 1912 . after the Latin word 'vita' which means life .In fact , vitamin are organic materials which are found in many food substance and essential for the functioning of the body. They are many kinds of vitamins and each vitamins has a separate role in keeping our body healthy. Thirteen kinds of different vitamins have already been isolated, but six vitamins are most important. These are A, B, C, D, E & K

Vitamin A ( Retinol) : 
  • It is  fat soluble vitamins .
  • This is very essential for the development of the body.
  • This vitamin protect  from infection, skin disease and many disease of the eyes.
  • Sources:  milk, butter, cheese, eggs, fish, oil, carrots and cabbage .

Vitamins B :

Vitamin -B are a class of water soluble vitamins, that they play important role in cell metabolism. It consists of many vitamins of the same nomenclature.They are know by their chemical name. Their Constitution and function are also different. These are described below.

Vitamin B1 ( Thiamine) 

  • It is water soluble vitamins 
  • If the food is cooked with baking soda, this vitamin is lost .

  • Sources: yeast , brown rice, sunflower seeds, germinated wheat , pig's meat , eggs 

  • Deficiency: it may causes beri - beri tiredness , weakness , breathing difficulties.

Vitamin B2 ( Riboflavin)

  • It is water soluble vitamin.
  • It play vital role in maintaining the body's energy supply.

  • Sources: milk , eggs, liver, yogut , meat and green beans.
  • Deficiency: it may causes skin disease, wounds on tongues and cracks on lips and redness or burning sensation in the eyes.

Vitamin B3 ( Niacin)

  • It is water soluble vitamin .
  • Help convert food into energy. essential for healthy skin , blood cell brain and nervous system.

  • Sources: milk,  tomatoes, leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, beef , fish 

  • Deficiency: it may causes Pellagra , with symptoms of diarrhea, dermatitis, and mental disturbance.

Vitamin B5 ( pantothenic acid )

  • It is water soluble vitamin.
  • Help convert food into energy, help make lipid Neurotransmitter, steroids , steroids and hemoglobin .

  • Sources: meats , whole grains , broccoli, fish ovaries.

  • Deficiency: it may causes Paresthesia and Respiratory infection.

Vitamin B6 ( pyridoxine)

  • It is water soluble vitamin.
  • It may reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • It play important role in make red blood cells & immune function .

  • Sources: meats , bananas, whole grains, green vegetables and milk.
  • Deficiency: it may cause Pellagra , with symptoms of diarrhea, dermatitis and mental disturbance. 

Vitamin B9 ( folic acid ) 

  • It is water soluble vitamin.
  • It may reduce heart disease and colon cancer .
  • It help to form DNA & RNA and is involved in proteins metabolism.

  • Sources: beans , peanuts,whole grains, seafood, sunflower seeds, orange juice and tomato juice.
  • Deficiency: sensation of weakness, numbness and tingling of fingers and toes, ulcer in the mouth.

Vitamin B12( Cyanocobalamin )

  • It is water soluble vitamin .
  • It help make red blood cells & DNA .
  • It help the formation of red blood cell.
  • Sources:  poultry, fish , milk , cheese, egg etc.

Vitamin C ( Ascorbic acid )  


  • It is water soluble vitamin. 
  • It is an essential nutrient involved in the repair of tissue and the enzymatic production of certain Neurotransmitter.
  • It may lower risk of some cancer.

  • Sources: lemon, orange, grapes, pineapple, cranberry, germinate pulses, and broccoli.

  • Deficiency:  it leads to joints pain, and a disease called Scurvy . Inflammation of gums, weakening of brain, tiredness, weakness, pain in legs .
  • Appearance of blue scars on the body.

Vitamin D ( Calciferol )

  • It is fat soluble vitamin .
  • The sunlight falling on the body also makes vitamin D inside the skin .

  • Sources: fatty fish, egg yolk, beef liver, some dairy products, soy milk, cheese. 

  • Deficiency: vitamin causes a disease called ricktes. It can losses bone density, bone & joint pain and muscle cramps.

Vitamin E ( Tocopherols ) 

  • It is fat soluble vitamin.
  • It acts as an antioxidants.
  • Sources: kiwi fruit, almonds, eggs, milk, nuts, green leafy vegetables, whole grains and vegetable oil.
  • Deficiency : it cause Hemolytic anaemia in newborns, muscular weakness, muscle pain, visual disturbance.

Vitamin k ( phylloquinone ) 

  • It is fat soluble vitamin. 
  • It help in clotting of blood on wounds. 
  • Sources: green leafy vegetables, avocado,  Kiwi fruit, fish , meat, eggs etc.

  • Deficiency:  it may cause bleeding diathesis,  an unusual susceptibility to bleeding. 


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