Five ways to boost your immune system to fight Coronavirus

COVID-19: Coronavirus was declared as a global pandemic by the  World Health Organization .                    
While the countries are grappling with imminent  dangers that this virus poses to Humanity. 
As case of Coronavirus continue to risk taking daily precaution.such as Washing your hands, social distancing , exercise & getting enough sleep is key to lowering risk of infection.                                 
But maintaining a healthy diet to help boost immune system . Here certain foods can also improve your health & Strengthen your body's ability to fight Coronavirus.        

  • Tulsi          

 Tulsi is a very beneficial herb.Taking one teaspoon of basil daily in the morning improve your immune system.                                                                       

  • Ginger  

It is said that ginger contains many anti-viral elements .It should be consumed with
Fennel & Honey to boost your immunity
  • Garlic 

Not only is garlic full of flavour, but it's packed with health benefits such as lowering blood pressure & Reducing risk of heart disease .
Garlic is immunity boosting abilities come from its heavy concentrate of Alicin or sulfer  Containing compound.which can help fight off some infection.

  • Mushroom

Mushrooms as a vitamin D sources found that the "sunshine vitamin " can help enhance the absorption of calcium , which is good for bone health and may also protect from Cancer and Respiratory disease.

  • Cinnamon


Cinnamons can also make immunity boosting by consuming Cinnamon .
Cinnamon has antifungal or antibacterial properties.
Which help & type of infection , if you wants add cinnamon to any vegetable or you can also drink it's tea.
Boil cinnamon in water and drink it hot  .
This will protect you from many types of Infection disease, sore throat and cold .

  • Some Abstract

  • People should drink hot water daily 
  • Use of herbal tea instead of normal tea will increase immunity.
  • Stream fresh mint leaves or celery to relieve sore throat.
  • Ten grams of chyawanprash should also be consumed daily .



  1. This is very healthy and nutritious way for immunity boosting. But taking natural Chyawanprash can protect you from cough, cold and also fight against infections. So, take it daily.


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