
Showing posts from April, 2020

Coronavirus : What is convalescent plasma therapy ?

COVID- 19:Many countries in the whole world are trying to find medicine to cure Coronavirus including India. The whole world is thinking  that plasma therapy has the potential  to cure the disease of COVID-19. In plasma therapy the blood donated by a recovered person of Coronavirus into the infected person .                        What is plasma ? Plasma is the clear,  Yellowish liquid  components of the blood. It is made of large water and proteins. It contains about 55%  of our blood is plasma ,and the remaining 45% are red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets that are suspended in the plasma. Plasma is about 92% water . It also contains 7% vital proteins such as albumin, globulin and anti hemophilic factor and 1% mineral salts , sugar , fat, hormones and vitamins.          What is Convalescent plasma therapy (CPT) ?      Convalescent = Recovering from an illness or medical treatment  When Pathogens attack our body , our immune system start working and rel

Why are vitamins essential for us ?

As Carbohydrates, Proteins, fats, water, and salts form an essential part of our food, vitamins also belong to same category.Lack of vitamins can cause many disease . Some Complication like  loss in digestive power, weakening of eye- sight , general weakness, tiredness,dryness of skin , inflammation of gums, weakening of Bones etc.  appear in body due to deficiency of vitamins.  What are the vitamins ? The word vitamin was coined by  Casimir funk in 1912 .  after the Latin word 'vita' which means life .In fact , vitamin are organic materials which are found in many food substance and essential for the functioning of the body. They are many kinds of vitamins and each vitamins has a separate role in keeping our body healthy. Thirteen kinds of different vitamins have already been isolated, but six vitamins are most important. These are  A, B, C, D, E & K Vitamin A ( Retinol) :  It is  fat soluble vitamins . This is very essential for the development of

Simple tips for boosting immunity power during lockdown.

In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak , entire mankind across the globe is suffering enchancing the body's natural defense system(immunity) . play an important role in maintaining optimum health. We all know that  Prevention is better than cure . while there is no medicine for COVID-19 as of now. It will be good to take preventive measure which boost our immunity in these times. General Measure  Drink warm water throughout the day. Daily practice of yogasana, pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation for at least 30 minutes. Use of spices like Haldi (Turmeric), Jeera(Cumin), Dhaniya (Coriander) and Lahsun(Garlic) are recommended for cooking. Tips to boost immunity as per Ayurveda Take chyavanprash 10gm in the morning. Drink herbal tea and or decoction , also know as 'kadha', made from Tulsi (Basil leaves), Dalchini ( Cinnamon), Kalimirch (Black pepper), Shunthi(Dry Ginger) - once or twice a day . Golden Milk - Half teaspoon Haldi (Turmeric) p

Five ways to boost your immune system to fight Coronavirus

COVID-19: Coronavirus was declared as a global pandemic by the  World Health Organization .                       While the countries are grappling with  imminent  dangers that this virus poses to Humanity.  As case of Coronavirus continue to risk taking daily precaution.such as  Washing your hands, social distancing , exercise & getting enough sleep  is key to lowering risk of infection.                                                                               But maintaining a healthy diet to help boost immune system . Here certain foods can also improve your health & Strengthen your body's ability to fight Coronavirus.          Tulsi                                                                      Tulsi is a very beneficial herb.Taking one teaspoon of basil daily in the morning improve your immune system.                                                                         Ginger                         It is said that

Coronavirus : symptoms, prevention and Treatment

   What is Corona Virus ?   Coronavirus is a class of RNA based Viruses   The name is derived from the Latin word , ' corona' meaning  Crown . This is in reference to their Crown like characteristics appearance . Coronavirus are classified in 4 sub categories  Alpha coronavirus , Beta coronavirus , Gamma coronavirus , Delta coronavirus .   Human coronavirus was first identified in 1960 .They are general category of strain .  229E & NL63 - Alpha coronavirus  OC43 & HkU1- Beta coronavirus SARS coronavirus - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome  MERS - Middle east Respiratory syndrome. People are infected with these types of normal coronavirus .mostely coronavirus are found in animal.       What is Novel Coronavirus ( COVID- 19)   This is  Beta coronavirus  . This is first identified in China . This virus is originated from a Wuhan seafood market where wild animal including  Birds, rabbits , bats, snake are trade illegally.